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Viewing posts from July, 2010

John Todd on soil and the carbon cycle

Posted by Peter Donovan 14 years, 3 months ago

John Todd, of Living Machines fame and the New Alchemy Institute, has an interesting essay on about the need for our urban and industrial society to understand the foundational role of soil, and the carbon cycle.

Keyline film from 1955

Posted by Peter Donovan 14 years, 3 months ago

We are indebted to Darren Doherty's website for the following information and video:

Living from livestock: Sam Bingham's 1984 classic available for download

Posted by Peter Donovan 14 years, 3 months ago

In 1984 Sam Bingham wrote a short book for Navajo country called Living from Livestock. Though one or two items are outdated (such as the recommendation to build radial grazing cells) it is a wonderfully illustrated and trenchant introduction to the relationship of grazing to ecosystem function in an arid environment. Thanks to Sam we are able to offer it as downloadable pdfs. (Right click, Save As, to download.)