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Kaweah Oaks workshops, Jan 17-19 2019

Posted by Peter Donovan 5 years, 9 months ago in policy and framing /

Tulare County, California: 4th module of Sequoia Riverlands Trust Earth Academy with students from Monache, Lindsay, Wood Lake, Mission Oak, Eleanor Roosevelt

Workshops: Didi Pershouse and I, with Sam Weiser, Bud Darwin, and Dana Everhart from Sequoia Riverlands Trust coached the students (along with some adults) with some basic hands-on demos of soil health and watershed function, such as a flour vs bread demo, slake test, water infiltration, and a tabletop rainfall simulator. For a closing, we asked what new questions the participants had -- and we did not attempt to answer them. The following is a transcription of what I heard, rearranged a bit.

October 2016 update

Posted by Didi Pershouse 8 years ago

It has been a rich and productive year with the Soil Carbon Coalition.