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Viewing posts from 2018

Investing in the Soil Carbon Sponge

Posted by Didi Pershouse 6 years ago in policy and framing /

For the last year I've been meeting not only with farmers and ranchers, but also with economists, investors, non profits, and policy makers to strategize about how we can regenerate the soil carbon sponge on a large scale in a global economy that often seems designed to do just the opposite.

Butterworks Farm Land Listeners

Posted by Peter Donovan 6 years, 1 month ago in Events /

Thanks to hosts Anne and Jack Lazor, their beautiful farm, workers, and lovely cows, and all 50+ attendees at the Land Listeners workshop on Sept. 20, 2018 at Butterworks Farm near Westfield, Vermont. Thanks to facilitators Cat Buxton and Didi Pershouse, and to the Grazing Lands Coalition which helped Soil Carbon Coalition to sponsor it.

Length of green season, first drafts

Posted by Peter Donovan 6 years, 1 month ago in policy and framing /

by Peter Donovan

Online Course starting soon. The Soil Sponge: Introduction to Soil Health and Watershed Function

Posted by Didi Pershouse 6 years, 1 month ago

Author and soil health advocate Didi Pershouse will be teaching an online, live, interactive course on the Soil Carbon Sponge (a descriptive term for the living matrix of healthy soil) and its ability to provide regional resilience. This course--which will meet Mondays and Wednesdays for two weeks in September--is centered around her firm belief that we can restore land function on a large scale (to provide flood and drought resilience, food, abundant clean water, health, and safe habitat for humans and all other life forms) at far less cost than we currently spend on fixing problems. 

Walter Jehne at Harvard

Posted by Peter Donovan 6 years, 4 months ago

Healthy Soils Australia founder Walter Jehne and Soil Carbon Coalition board chair Didi Pershouse talk about water cycling and climate at Harvard on April 26, 2018.