Rancher-to-Rancher project, which supports California ranchers and land managers in setting up low-cost, risk-free learning site trials, held a demonstration April 12 on Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area, where Joe Morris grazes stocker cattle.
Joe Morris explains the learning site idea where livestock are concentrated for a short period followed by a generous recovery period. In the background, the learning site has about 700,000 pounds of stocker cattle per acre. |
Rob Rutherford explains the notion of a holistic context for decision making as Joe Morris and JP move cattle from one small enclosure to another. |
Richard King talks about residual, litter, and recovery periods following trampling of the learning site. |
The rancher-to-rancher project is modeled after Australian projects initiated by Graeme Hand and assisted by other Holistic Management educators in Australia. If you are a central coast California rancher and would like to participate, contact the Soil Carbon Coalition (info at bottom of page). Soil carbon baseline plots are an optional add-on.